Manuel’s log 1707759616

I thought about this today, and I am going to move my personal stuff to another site. I will keep this site on how I attain my certifications, etc… I was thinking that the way I look should be counted as being professional, but really that is personal. I will more than likely keep what I have posted and not delete.

Manuel’s log 1707759545

I weighed myself today, and I ate too much for Super Bowl Sunday. 🙁

Weight: 174.9 lb
Goal: 140 lb


Manuel’s log 1707749253

Productivity is not measured by how busy I am, or how quickly I work. Productivity is measured by what I have accomplished. The best way to do this, is to focus on one task for completion.

I cannot use the same one dollar on two items, and similarly, I cannot use the same second on two tasks. If I value my time, then concentrate on one task to use less time on that task. Once completed, move on to the second task. If I feel I need to do the other task before I do the current one I am working on, then maybe the other task requires priority and do that task first and then come back to the task that I am currently working on. I do not want to fool myself, that doing two tasks at the same time, that I am actually doing two tasks at the same time.

If I am going for a walk and want to skip rope, does not make sense to walk and skip rope at the same time. Each task has a purpose, and I will prioritize my tasks and do the one that has the highest priority. The simplest way that I can accomplish this, is to create three goals and prioritize those three goals, and then work with the highest priority first. Once completed, work on number two as the number one on the list and add another to be number three.

I have been doing things in my life haphazardly and believe I have to change the system that I have been using. After all, “If I keep doing what I have been doing, I will keep getting what I have been getting.”

Schedule the day like my life depended on the schedule.
Monday through Friday, I look at my calendar to see what meeting I have to attend. I realized, I do not have a life schedule. Why not schedule my life like I schedule work. As the saying goes, “What is not scheduled, will not get done.”


Manuel’s log 1707729886

I broke 4 miles today.

Weather: 45°F Seattle, Washington Slight Drizzle

Weight: 173.7 lb
Goal: 140 lb

I did notice that the more I exercise, I want to eat more. I have to control myself, and leave the table not full.


Manuel’s log 1707614625

I will start to #blog daily to track my daily activities on how I study and how I am using my time. In other words, making myself accountable for my successes and failures.

Weather: 45°F Seattle, Washington

I have been walking steadily (no matter the weather) since February 01, 2024. I started at two miles.

Weight: 173.1 lb
Goal: 140 lb
